Proofreading & Plagiarism

We work exclusively with professional and certified people, who have a PhD or Master’s degree to say the least. They will manually read every line and correct any mistakes.

On top of that, we will also check your work for proof-reading and plagiarism using the best software such as premium plan of Grammarly. We have other professional plagiarism checking software too and we will always provide you a report, if you request specially for it.

We also have a Citation formatting service, to fix all your references in the list according to the style and format you want !!

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Please submit your file with all instructions and we will tell you how much it will cost. We will also give you a guarantee on the solution before we take your order. So you will know that our service is 1st Class.

Disclaimer: All institutions expect you to submit your own work. So it is your responsibility to make sure that you do.

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